The Alberta Municipal Solar Program (AMSP) is an ambitious initiative that provides financial incentives to Alberta municipalities that install grid-connected solar photovoltaics on government land or buildings and generate public support and engagement for the project.
Administered by the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre, the $5 million AMSP provides financial incentives to towns that install solar panels on buildings such as offices, fire halls and community centers. The program is enabling Alberta’s rural municipalities to make important investments in solar at the local level and to showcase its benefits to the wider community.
As of January 2018, there are 40 projects either underway or complete across 24 Alberta municipalities.
Charlie Cheesman Memorial Arena Solar PV Array
Why Target Municipalities?
Municipalities are valued partners in helping Alberta achieve the goal of having 30 percent renewable energy by 2030. Between the AMSP, the On-Farm Solar PV Program and the Residential and Commercial Solar Program, people, businesses and organizations across the province have a variety of outstanding opportunities to save money and the environment by generating their own electricity.
Banff Fendlands Recreation Centre Solar PV – courtesy of MCCAC
Nonprofit community-related organizations are also eligible to participate in the program if their project will be located on municipally owned facilities or land. However, the municipality must sign off on the funding agreement, and all funding that comes from the AMSP will go directly back to the municipality.
Worldwide, the solar industry now employs more people than the coal industry. Solar projects funded through the AMSP do not only create jobs, but also save municipalities thousands of dollars on their power bills every year, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The AMSP in Action
Since the program launched in 2016, 18 municipalities in the province have received nearly $2 million in rebates to balance the solar installation costs for 28 projects, with many more to come. Many of them are already seeing substantial energy savings and shorter payback periods on their solar photovoltaic systems.
For example, the Canmore Civic Centre installed 192 solar panel modules, which will save the building $68,000 in energy costs per year.
Solar panels have also been added to community league buildings in Belgravia, Riverdale, Evansdale, Queen Alexandra, and many others. These solar photovoltaic systems will save the volunteer-run organizations between $850 and $3,000 annually, while removing more than 1,400 tons of greenhouse gas emissions – the equivalent of removing about 300 passenger vehicles from the road for a year.
Far-Reaching Benefits
Relying on clean energy generation like solar means cleaner, quality air – which means improved health and quality of life for Albertans, both now and in the generations to come.
Ridgewood Community League Solar Panels Array – courtesy of MCCAC
“The AMSP enables Alberta’s rural municipalities to make important investments in solar at the local level and to showcase its benefits to the wider community,” said Al Kemmere, president of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties. “We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the province to support renewable energy generation in our communities.”
To become a participant in the AMSP, the first step is to complete and submit an expression of interest form at Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in obtaining free quotes for your solar panels installation, fill out a request form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.